Raynsford Academy Church of England Acdemy



Foundation stage profile

Children are initially assessed in the reception class where staff collect information to provide assessment profile for each individual. Observations and targets will be shared at parent consultation meetings. Your child will have a home/school book which will have targets and achievements in.  We value comments and support you give your child to enable us to collectively work in partnership to provide the best for each and every child.

Year One phonic check

All children in Year 1 are required to take part in a phonics assessment in June.    Results are reported to the parents in the annual report as well as to the Education department.

Year 2 Tests

Children in Year 2  are assessed during May. The results of these assessments are reported annually to the parents by the governing body. Additional assessments are used on a regular basis in all classes to assist teacher assessment of pupil progress.

Marking and assessment

Staff mark and feedback to the children on a regular basis during a targeted conferencing session.  We use  Shirley Clarkes 'Green for growth and tickled pink' model and always focus on strengths first plus a target to work on.  In each case we provide children with the time to improve their work following on from the feedback.

 Family consultations

Working in partnership with parents is a key value for us as strong partnerships help to provide the best opportunities for all children.  Staff will share with parents great achievements as well targets for immediate improvement where necessary.

In addition to this there are 2 consultation dates in the year - the Autumn term focuses on the Personal and Social elements and the Spring term focuses on specific areas of learning as well as targets and suggestions for supporting your child further at home.

Reports to parents

At the end of the Spring term your child will bring home a full report detailing progress and achievements across the curriculum. The report will be based on self assessment by your child and summative observations by the teaching team. Parents / Carers are encouraged to provide feedback to the school.

Celebrating achievements

Each week we hold a celebration assembly to recognise progress made by individual both in the school setting and in after school clubs.  In addition to this pupils can receive a Head teachers award for their achievements or a Praise postcard.