Year 1 Herring Green Farm
On Tuesday 2nd July, Year 1 visited Herring Green Farm and Birds of Prey Centre.
They had the most incredible day; holding owls, flying owls, watching a birds of prey show, where they were joined by a pair of pelicans who tried to steal the show!
They then explored cuddle corner, reptile house and a quick stop in the park before the ultimate surprise of the day… a ride in the tractor!
Reception: Herring Green Farm
On Tuesday Asia visited Herring Green Farm and Birds of Prey Centre. The fun started when we turned the corner onto the High Street where a double decker awaited…. Even more so there was room for all of us to ride on top deck!
They had the most incredible day; holding owls, flying owls, watching a birds of prey show, where they were joined by a pair of pelicans who tried to steal the show!
The children were incredible and their behaviour was commented on over the day, we are so very proud of some of our youngest pupils enjoying themselves to the fullest but representing our school and values on their first visit out.
Value Award Winner - Neighbourly
A huge congratulations to our Summer 1 Values Award Winners for NEIGHBOURLY.
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Asia: Wren | Antarctica: Fox | Oceania: Preston | South America: Parker |
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North America: Jake | Africa: Eddie | Europe: Joe |
School Council
We would like to thank all the children that took part in our School Council Elections. So many children applied and showed great courage to stand up in front of their classmates to discuss why thy should be elected.
All the children took part in a fantastic vote, anonymously making their choices and posting them in the ballot box.
The two children with the highest votes from each class were elected to represent their classmates on the school council.
A huge congratulations to:
Year 6: Bryn and Jacob
Year 5: Arabella and Kai
Year 4: Leo and Sam
Year 3: Bella and Mollie
Year 2: Jessica and Fay
Year 1: Arabelle and Rosie
Reception: Josh and Maisy

It was very unfortunate that we had to postpone our Maypole event, but the rescheduled day, Friday 10th May, had the perfect weather.
All the children got to participate in a Maypole dance with so many parents, carers, family and friends joining us for the celebration. It was helped by the the delicious cream teas that our wonderful PTA were selling.
We would like to thank everyone that attended and our wonderful PTA for their support.
Fire Brigade Visit
On Friday 19th April the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a great experience today with a visit from the fire safety officers stationed at Shefford fire station. The children had a fantastic fire safety talk, and got to see all the equipment on a firefighters uniform. This was followed by a tour of the fire engine and the children had the exciting opportunity of using the fire hose. The cars in the carpark got a good wash!!
Year 2 Immersive Day: Titanic
The children in Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their wonderful Titanic Day. They got to board a 'ship', participate in games and create some port hole art.
Golden Ticket Winners!
Our fabulous PTA organised our Wonka Bar chocolate Sale with a number of children winner the hot chocolate with Maggie prize.
Year 1 Immersive Day: The Great Fire of London
As part of the year 1 immersion day we started the day by pretending we were bakers in Mr Farriners bakery in Pudding Lane. We weighed, and mixed the ingredients to make the bread dough. We had fun kneading the dough and making into bread rolls. Once cooked I was informed they were delicious!
We then pretended we were Samuel Pepys and used quills and inks to write a diary entry.
The afternoon was spent making lavender bags to ward of the bad smells that were around in the dirty streets of London in 1666.
The afternoon was rounded off by a performance to our parents retelling the story of the great fire of London and an excellent rendition of London's Burning and watched their house they built being burnt.

Year 4 Immersive Day: Ancient Greeks
On Tuesday 26th March, Year 4 really enjoyed their Ancient Greek Immersive Day. They took part in an archaeological dig, they got to build a Parthenon from a net, make a tsatziki dip and create a mythical creature.
Year 3: Chiltern Open Air Museum
On Monday 25th March, Year 3 went to an Anglo-Saxon Day at Chiltern Open Air Museum, where they took part in two workshops.
The first was an immersive experience, where the children learnt the history of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms; they also spent time looking at different artefacts, creating rune tablets, making brooches, weaving and playing different Anglo-Saxon games!
After lunch, the children took part in the Archaeological Dig workshop, where they had the opportunity to take part in their own dig, look at coins from different eras, explore aerial photographs, create a timeline of artefacts and try their hand at piecing together broken pottery.
Every adult we encountered on the trip spoke about how kind and well mannered the children were and each workshop leader was so impressed with their knowledge of the Anglo-Saxons!
Reception: Local Historic Walk
On Wednesday 21st March Asia class went on a local walk of the Henlow area.
This was to support their topic learning of Past and Present in their History lessons.
The children had looked at past pictures of buildings around the Henlow area and then walked to locate them in their present day form. They identified CIRCA numbers on buildings and discussed how some were over 150 years old.
We ended at the Pavilion where the children discussed how the materials were different to that of the church and how materials had changed over time to build with.
They were fantastically well behaved and presented themselves well in the public area.

Science Week
On Wednesday 13th March children in Asia class were given the chance to speak to marine biologist Meghan Goggins from her voyage to support their Science Week learning.
They asked fantastic questions such as, Do jellyfish sting?
What temperature is it?
How do you look after the oceans?
And finally... What is your favourite sea animal?

Year 4 and Year 6
s part of Science Week, children from Year 4 and 6 got to speak to marine biologist Meghan Goggins about marine life and climate change.
They posed very good questions asking about the melting ice caps, how this is going to impact the world in years to come.
They also asked how voyages that involve ship travel are allowed as they implicate the pollution of waters.
Meghan shared with pupils that we must remember planet Earth is one ecosystem and it is our job to do all we can to protect it.

Year 3:
As part of our light learning, the children have been learning about how shadows are formed, as well as how they change. Across different points of the day, the children worked in pairs to draw around the outline of their shadows. In the photos, you can see how the shadows had changed from 11:30, to 2:00. The children were able to explain that the shadows had moved because the sun had moved position in the sky, they were also able to discuss how the shadows had formed because their bodies were blocking the sunlight from reaching the ground.
Living Eggs
They are here and hatching already. A little ahead of when we expected them to, but the children are super eggsited about seeing them.
Parents Reading Workshop
Thank you to all the parents that attended our Reading Workshop. We hope you found it useful and it gave everyone some helpful tips and ideas in how to support reading with your children at home.
Please find the PowerPoint shared with you, as well as the book marks, should you need a new one.
If you have any questions regarding the workshop please ask. We will let you know when part 2 is.
Book Week: 4th - 8th March
Year 3 Immersive Day
Year 3: Anglo Saxons – 29th February
The children looked fantastic dressed up as Anglo Saxon and took part in making Anglo-Saxon pots, oat cakes and making shields. they also practiced writing in Anglo-Saxon runes.
SATs Parents Information Evening 28th February
Thank you to all the Year 6 parents that came to our SATS Information evening, we hope you found it useful. If you have any questions regarding SATs then please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Page.
Year 6 Immersive Day
Year 6: World War II – 14th February
The children dressed up as evacuees and got to create their own model Anderson Shelters, cooked Woolton Pie and mock banana sandwiches from World War II recipes.
Tuesday 12th December:
All the children are having the most amazing time today enjoying an incredible show from Krisgar the Magician. The school is full of excitement and laughter this morning.

Christmas Festive Events
We are very excited to share with you all the wonderful events that our amazing PTA have organised for the children. It will be a fun packed Festive period:
SEND Coffee Morning

Phonics Parents Information Evening
THank you to all the parents that join us this evening for our Phonics Workshop. Please find below a video of the presentation and links to more helpful videos.
We would like to invite all parents from Reception class to attend our Phonics Parents information evening on Wednesday 20th September, 5-6pm.
This is an opportunity for you to find out more about how we use 'Little Wandle' to teach your children the early stages of reading through phonics.
There will be hot drinks, biscuits available and time for you to ask any questions. You are also welcome to have a look at your child's class and see where their learning takes place.
We look forward to seeing many of you there, please arrive via the main entrance. If you are unable to make it, we will share the information on our school website on Thursday.
It has been a relaxing time reading in our engaging new library area.
The children have really enjoyed having lots to do at break time and lunchtimes. They have been very excited to use our new road markings on their scooter and learn all about road safety whilst having fun.
Year 6 Prom
All our Year 6 children enjoyed their Prom this year, celebrating an end to thir time at Raynsford Academy. There was food, dancing, games and laughter. They have been a fantastic group and we wish them all the very best at their new school
Year 6 Prom
Netball Team
On Friday 23rd June our Netball team joined other children at Henlow Academy to play each other in matches. The children all performed fantastically well, and it was a great experience for all of them.
Value Award Winners
A huge congratulations to our Value of the half term award Winners:
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Asia Class - Rayan | Antarctica - Fay | Oceania - Isabelle | South America - Tilly |
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North America - Florence | Africa - Jacob | Europe - Effie |
The Owls, Raynsford FC
On Saturday 13th May, Raynsford Academy FC (children in Year 1) took part in their first ever friendly tournament at Barton Rovers FC. This was a great opportunity for the children to show off all the skills they had been learning at their after school club training sessions and play their first ever match as a team.
The day started early with registration at 8.30am. The whole team and their families came together to support each other, and the atmosphere was incredible. Raynsford played a total of 5 matches, 8 minutes each. These were against local schools in the mid beds area.
With a few nerves in the first match and up against a team who had played many matches prior to the tournament, they did fantastic and soon found their stride in the second game.
They worked together as a team and represented the school and themselves to the highest standard and as coaches we could not be prouder. From start to finish the team had a blast and after the matches, everyone received a medal.
From September the team will take part in the Mid Beds Mini Soccer League and will be having fortnightly matches. We are also hoping to squeeze in another two tournaments in July – GO TEAM!!!
Nurture Room
We are delighted to share with you our new Nurture Room, which will be a calm and quiet place for any child can that may need a little extra support. We would like to thank everyone that has taken part in and donated to our recent fund-raising events and a massive thank you to our PTA for organising them. Some of the money you raised has gone towards our nurture room.
Our learning mentors, Mrs Griffett and Mrs Mustoe will be working with children on their social and emotional needs. We have a few final touches but wanted to share the results with you: