Raynsford Academy Church of England Acdemy




September 2025 Reception Admissions

During the year in which your child turns 4, you must apply to the Local Authority for their full time place in school.  If your child is born between 01/09/20 and 31/08/21 and are due to start school in September 2025 you can now apply for a place at the closing date for applications was 15th January 2025. 

Parents can now make a Starting School 2025 application online via our website at www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/admissions or via a paper application (available on our website). 


Tours of the School and Open afternoons

We will be offering prospective parents the opportunity to take a tour of our school and meet our team on the following days. 

In order that we are able to gauge numbers please could we ask that you complete and submit the following google form.  


-  Monday 7th October - 1.30pm  - 2.30pm

-  Wednesday 16th October  9.30am - 10.30am

-  New Date - Wednesday 27th November  10.30am 

-  Monday 13th January, 1.30 - 2.30pm 

 Click here to book your tour


In Year Admissions

If your child is already attending school full time and you wish them to transfer to Raynsford Academy please contact Central Bedfordshire Admissions on 0300 300 8037 or visit the website below.

You are warmly invited to contact the school office to arrange a visit.


 Admissions to Raynsford Church of England Academy are all managed by Central Bedfordshire Council

Secondary School Applications 2025 

Parents can now make a transfer to secondary school 2025 application online via the following website www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/admissions