Raynsford Academy Church of England Acdemy




Alliance in Partnership provide us with our school dinners which is then prepared and cooked by Mrs Law in our school kitchen.

About AiP

Alliance in Partnership (AiP) are delighted to be the caterers at Raynsford Academy. They provide nutritious healthy meals for the pupils to enjoy and provide them with all the nutrients and energy to get them through their busy day. They offer a wide selection of choice to suit everybody’s taste to ensure they cater for the whole school.

Their menu offers a choice of fresh, healthy cooked food which meets the Government food based standards and has been nutritionally analysed to create balanced, healthy meals. The menu retains the Food for Life Catering Mark and are freshly prepared using the finest, fresh, and local ingredients. 

All meals are freshly prepared daily by a dedicated team using fresh ingredients.  Menus operate on a 3 weekly cycle which includes main course, vegetarian course & a jacket potato or pasta option. All menus meet and exceed all national nutritional standards.  We understand it is important for your child to have a healthy lifestyle.  Also, we acknowledge that the dining experience is a social skill that your child has already developed, we want to build on that, making eating fun and exciting. For even more information please visit their website Alliance in Partnership

It is important to us that we offer a range of healthy, nutritional and tasty meals. AiP aims to educate young people on the importance of food and ensure they understand how and why healthy meals contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Our promise is to ensure our customers receive a menu which is full of variety. We take special care to ensure pupils and students with dietary requirements also get to enjoy a freshly prepared AiP meal.

We serve more than 50,000 meals a day across 200 schools. Our ingredients are all locally sourced and delivered to our clients ready to be prepared and served.


Every year schools are in a position to receive additional funding to help families.  This is called the Pupil Premium Grant and is based on the number of pupils who receive free school meals.  ALL children in key stage 1 (Reception Yr1, Yr2) qualify for Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM), they do not automatically qualify for this additional funding, this is an additional benefit. 

For further information regarding FSM or to check your eligibility please click on the link below.  If you are entitled to FSM the school may also be able to assist you with the cost of school trips, uniform, tuition or clubs.    

Free School Meals 


Online lunches

We are very pleased to announce that we will be able to offer online lunch orders and payments from January 30th. 

Please use all the information below to setup your account and a guide on how to order and pay for your child's lunch.


Parent Information Flyer

Parent Sign up Guide

Ordering Meals Guide

School Food United App

Parent Enquiry Form

 New School Menu from 4th November 2024