Trustees (ID 1034)
Ed WheatleyAccounting Officer
Ed Wheatley
Appointed By:
Date Appointed: 04.07.2022
Committee: All
Donna NewmanGovernor
Donna Newman
The majority of my career has been spent as a Police Officer, prior to which I worked in financial services. Following having my 2 children, both of whom attend Raynsford, I decided not to return to the Police Force and have instead focused on voluntary roles both within the local community and at Raynsford. I also sit regularly as a Magistrate.
I am proud to be part of the team of Governors at Raynsford. I enjoy the opportunity to offer a parental viewpoint and develop my skills whilst making a positive contribution to the pupils of Raynsford. I care passionately about education and want to support Raynsford to be the very best it can be.
Appointed By:Parents
Date Appointed:11.03.2020
Committee: Teaching and Learning (chair) / Safeguarding Governor
Nick ClareParent Governor
Nick Clare
As a parent of 3 children who all attend Raynsford and a business leader, I can add value not only to the care, welfare, safeguarding and happiness of the pupils of Raynsford Academy but also add a robust set of leadership skills to support the school as a business unit.
As someone with Dyslexia, who strived to become a Research Scientist and then to progress to commercial exec leadership within the Biotechnology space, I see the importance of home and school in supporting others to achieve great things
I am driven to support students to achieve their passions and potential by engaging a desire to learn and explore, I believe the best way I can do this is to get involved and support the school, this will allow me to have an impact on current and future pupils’ education, safety, and happiness.
I have developed many skills, knowledge and confidence that will allow me to add significant value to our School. Skills of note:
- Excellent Communication
- Conversation management
- STEM knowledge
- Leadership and business strategy
- Presentation and marketing skills
- Funding and investment
- Being a Parent!
I am very excited about the opportunity to learn new skills from the other governors and the board whilst being able to add value to an amazing and improving School.
Appointed By: Parents
Date Appointed: 17.03.2023
Neil TrueloveGovernor
Neil Truelove
I have lived in Clifton since January 1991 when I left the Army after 14 years to begin a second career working in change management and IT, in the drinks industry.
Over a period of 30 years I worked for Whitbread, United Distillers, Guinness, Constellation Brands and most recently Accolade Wines, owners of the Hardys and Echo Falls Brands. I was a director of the European business and its wholesale distribution subsidiary, Matthew Clark, until I retired in August 2018. I ran my own business improvement consultancy for two years, and was chair of trustees for Avon Riding for the Disabled.
I am married to Cathy with 2 grown up children and I’m a keen runner, and am a committee member of Shefford Runners and a core team member of Henlow Bridge Lakes Parkrun.
Appointed By:Academy Members
Date Appointed: 08.12.2021
Committee: Finance, Peronnel, Audit and Risk / Teaching and Learning / Health and Safety Governor
Richard WenhamFoundation Governor
Richard Wenham
Appointed By:Foundation Trust
Date Appointed: 01.04.2017
Committee: Vice Chair of FGB / Finance, Personnel, Audit and Risk
Joe WodckeGovernor
Joe Wodcke
I have experience in roles both in and out of Education. For 8 years I worked as a GCSE and A Level Physics teacher at Monk’s Walk School in Welwyn Garden City. This included 5 years working as a middle leader, where I had a particular enthusiasm for training and developing early careers teachers. I also have 9 years experience in retail at Tesco head office working in both merchandise planning and commercial insight.
My wife and I have lived in Henlow since 2015 and we have two girls who both attend Raynsford. I am a passionate believer in the education system, and I relish this opportunity to support our hard-working staff to ensure all the children gain the best education possible and enjoy their time at Raynsford.
Appointed By: Academy Members
Date Appointed: 10.10.2022
Committee: Teaching and Learning
Samantha MooreGovernor
Samantha Moore
I began my role as a parent governor in 2017, at which time both of my children had started school at Raynsford, after attending Rayndrops.
I now work in Rayndrops which I love and it is such a wonderful enabling environment for children to learn and grow in, I am proud to be part of it.
Prior to working at Raynsford my working life was spent at EasyJet starting as Cabin Crew and later becoming a Crew Standards Trainer, training flight crew and cabin crew on a range of subjects as well as monitoring training courses to check they were compliant with legislation.
I love being part of the Raynsford team and having an active part in the schools journey and am passionate to continue seeing the school excel.
Appointed By: Foundation Trut
Date Appointed: 01.02.2017
Committee: Teaching and Learning
Rev Shaun SpellerFoundation Governor
Rev Shaun Speller
I graduated in 1987 with a BA (Hons) in Government from Birmingham University. I then worked for H.M. Revenue and Customs for 24 years in a variety of roles including debt recovery, technical casework, people management and training development.
In 2011 I began training full time for ordained ministry in the Church of England at Ripon College Cuddesdon, in Oxford.
After completing my training as a curate in Harpenden from 2013-2016, I was then appointed Vicar of Henlow and Langford in January 2017.
I am also involved in two other schools - Henlow Academy as a Church Foundation Governor and Langford Village Academy as a regular visitor.
My key role is to contribute to the distinctive Christian character of the school which is expressed in a strong community ethos.
Appointed By: Foundation Trust
Date Appointed: 01.03.2017
Susan WatsonFoundation Governor
Susan Watson
I first became a governor at Raynsford not long after my son started at the school in 2002, using my expertise as a Chartered Accountant to provide support in financial and governance matters. Since Raynsford’s conversion to an Academy I currently serve as a Foundation Governor and as Chair of the Finance, Personnel and Audit Committee.
Most of my career was spent in accountancy practice, although I am now mostly retired. I am also treasurer of Henlow Methodist Church.
It is a joy to be part of the Raynsford family and to be involved in responding to many challenges and changes, constantly striving to provide the best start in life and education we possibly can for local children.
Appointed By: Foundation Trust
Date Appointed: 01.04.2018
Committee: Finance, Personnel, Audit and Risk (Chair)
Zoe FlemingGovernor (Chair)
Zoe Fleming
I joined the governors of Raynsford in 2016, sitting on the Teaching and Learning committee and became Chair of Governors in 2019.
My oldest daughter is currently in Year 2 and my youngest daughter attends Rayndrops Pre-School.
I work at a large primary school in Stevenage with 500+ pupils from 3 months of age to 11 years old, where I have been Deputy Headteacher for 8 years, and have worked within education for 13 years. Before becoming a deputy headteacher I taught in Year 5 and Year 6. I love my job and working with children and enjoy the opportunity to use these skills in a different school context as a governor at Raynsford.
Appointed By:Academy Members
Date Appointed: 20.09.2016
Committee: FGB Chair, All
Jane WallisClerk to Governors
Jane Wallis
Andrew GarnerGovernor
Andrew Garner
Appointed By: Academy Members
Date Appointed: 05.03.2024
Committee: Finance, Personnel, Audit and Risk
Details to follow.
Emily RainbowParent Governor
Emily Rainbow
As a Parent Governor, I bring a parent perspective to support decision-making, plus various skills with which I will strive to maintain and achieve the high standards of the school and everything that it offers for the children that attend today, and prospective children for the future.
I am a parent of two children at Raynsford CofE school and full-time employee within the investment banking industry, as a Strategy and People Engagement Business Manager. Within my current role and throughout my career, which started briefly in insurance and mortgages and more significantly in recruitment, I have acquired skills and experience that are very transferable to the school environment, such as:
- Strategy definition and implementation
- Learning and Development
- Talent Acquisition and Retention
- Marketing and Communication
- Challenging the status quo to identify risks, raise concerns, and ask questions to influence and assure good decision-making
- Creative and critical thinking
I am passionate about exercise and nutrition and understand the impact that it has on physical and mental well-being, which is so essential for good health and within the learning environment. As a qualified exercise instructor, I teach group exercise as a second employment and have completed vocational courses recognised by the fitness industry. You can also find me walking, running, and playing netball.
Appointed By: Parents
Date Appointed: 21.10.2024
Committee: Finance, Personnel, Audit and Risk
Tim TubbsCo-opted Governor
Tim Tubbs
Appointed By: Academy Members
Date Appointed: 21.10.2024
Committee: Curriculum and Standards