Raynsford Academy Church of England Acdemy



Head Teacher's Welcome

Raynsford Academy is a special place, being a one form entry school set in the idyllic village of Henlow, Bedfordshire. We are at the heart of the local community providing a caring and exciting environment for children to learn and achieve.

I am proud of our excellent staff team who all work their hardest to ensure that children are well supported, but also challenged to take risks, which helps them to both achieve and flourish. Our school is blessed with a truly wonderful local community; a great team of Governors, who both challenge and support the everyday work of school, a phenomenal PTA (Parents and Teachers Association) who organise a variety of fundraisers, to ensure that every child achieves.

Raynsford Academy really is a place that puts the children first. We plan an exciting and engaging curriculum with a wide range of sports, enrichment clubs and additional opportunities to engage and interest learners. We offer free after school clubs to allow children to try something new. Lunchtimes are filled with engaging activities such as construction, Lego, arts and crafts, music playing and children riding scooters. We are fortunate to have excellent facilities such as our Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), dance studio and food tech room.

With St Mary's Church and the diocese of St Albans we encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian values through the experience it offers to all pupils of any faith or none at all. Our children are proud to be Raynsford ‘Friends’ and they wear their uniform with pride. The children think careful about our key values: Forgiveness; Respect; Inclusive; Empathetic; Neighbourly and Determined (F.R.I.E.N.D) and you will witness this in every room you enter and through the corridors you walk. Our children are wonderful – polite, smart and positive about their school and learning.


“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10


Mr E Wheatley

Head Teacher